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Setup snakemake


The installation is from Sarah Peter, bioinformatician at the LCSB. Her tutorial is summarised here.

Main differences are we don't use a virtualbox VM, nor conda environments.

Install Miniconda

Miniconda will provide you with a base conda environment. If you are a regular use of the HPC, you may want to remove it at the end of this tutorial.

chmod u+x

Follow the instructions prompted (use spacebar to scrool down the license), of note you need to specify your installation destination, e.g. /home/users/username/miniconda3. You must use the full path and cannot use $HOME/miniconda3. Answer yes to initialize Miniconda3.

For permission denied issues

chmod +x miniconda3/bin/python3.9
chmod +x miniconda3/bin/conda
miniconda3/bin/conda init

Activate conda by reloading your BASH configuration

source ~/.bashrc

Notice that from now, you have an extra (base) written at the beginning of your prompt

Finalize installation

  • Update the permissions
(base) chmod +x $(which conda)
(base) chmod +x $(which conda-env)
  • Update conda
(base) conda update conda
  • Install mamba as recommended by Johannes Köster (snakemake author)
(base) conda install -c conda-forge mamba
  • Ensure enclosed environments

conda may use python modules if already installed be default. To avoid this behaviour, you need to add this line in your .bashrc. You need to edit it like with vim ~/.bashrc. If you are not comfortable with editing files, see this page


Install snakemake in a dedicated environment

It is also recommended to leave the base environment as clean as possible,

Create a new conda environment and activate it:

(base) conda create -n snakemake
(base) conda activate snakemake

Now the prompt becomes (snakemake) and we can install snakemake inside it. This step takes 2-3 minutes and is the longest one of this chapter.

(snakemake) mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake

Check that the snakemake is now installed

(snakemake) snakemake --version

Should return 6.7.0

(Optional) Add useful aliases

The following lines can be added to your .bashrc. The 3 first ones are handy shortcuts:

alias dag='snakemake --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf'
alias smk='conda activate snakemake && module load tools/Singularity'
complete -o bashdefault -C snakemake-bash-completion snakemake
  • dag is often run to see which steps are to be re-run or not
  • smk to load the necessary tools on ULHPC in interactive sessions.
  • complete command loads the auto-completion for snakemake

Again, your need source the .bashrc to get those lines in the current session.

source ~/.bashrc

(Optional) Revert the changes to your environment

From Sarah Peter, if you want to stop conda from always being active:

(base) conda init --reverse

In case you want to get rid of conda completely, you can now also delete the directory where you installed it (default is $HOME/miniconda3).