~kid, ~date, ~teeth,
"Anouk", "2014-03-31", "incisive inf cent D",
"Anouk", "2014-04-18", "incisive inf cent G",
"Anouk", "2014-07-02", "incisive sup cent D",
"Anouk", "2014-06-09", "incisive sup cent G",
"Anouk", "2014-07-03", "incisive sup lat G",
"Anouk", "2014-07-26", "incisive sup lat D",
"Anouk", "2014-08-12", "incisive inf lat D",
"Anouk", "2014-10-12", "incisive inf lat G",
"Anouk", "2015-01-04", "prem 1 sup G",
"Anouk", "2015-01-11", "prem 1 sup G",
"Anouk", "2015-01-11", "prem 1 inf D",
"Anouk", "2015-02-01", "prem 1 inf D",
"Anouk", "2015-02-01", "canine sup G",
"Anouk", "2015-02-12", "canine sup D",
"Anouk", "2015-03-28", "canine inf D",
"Anouk", "2015-04-04", "canine inf G", # imputed data
"Anouk", "2015-10-15", "prem 2 inf G",
"Anouk", "2015-10-15", "prem 2 inf D",
"Anouk", "2015-12-21", "prem 2 sup D",
"Anouk", "2016-03-01", "prem 2 sup G",
"Irène", "2017-05-11", "incisive inf cent D",
"Irène", "2017-05-18", "incisive inf cent G",
"Irène", "2017-07-11", "incisive sup cent D",
"Irène", "2017-07-25", "incisive sup cent G",
"Irène", "2017-08-03", "incisive sup lat D",
"Irène", "2017-08-04", "incisive inf lat D",
"Irène", "2017-08-04", "incisive inf lat G",
"Irène", "2017-08-23", "incisive sup lat G",
"Irène", "2017-09-30", "prem 1 inf D",
"Irène", "2017-09-20", "prem 1 inf G",
"Irène", "2017-10-22", "prem 1 sup D",
"Irène", "2017-10-20", "prem 1 sup G",
"Irène", "2018-04-04", "canine sup D",
"Irène", "2018-04-28", "canine inf D",
"Irène", "2018-05-15", "canine sup G",
"Irène", "2018-05-25", "prem 2 inf G",
"Irène", "2018-06-01", "canine inf G",
"Irène", "2018-06-07", "prem 2 inf D",
"Irène", "2018-09-04", "prem 2 sup D") -> teeth
Teething can be tough for kids, and so for the parents. For our first kid, it was actually pretty painful. Then, I wanted to see how synchronize the second kid would be with the first one.
Input data
This was an old input, now I would use the datapasta rstudio addin by Miles Mc Bain to get a tribble
from any spreadsheet.
teeth %>%
mutate(date = parse_date(date),
t_teeth = word(teeth, 1),
age = case_when(kid == "Anouk" ~ date - ymd("20130828"),
kid == "Irène" ~ date - ymd("20160922")),
age2 = as.numeric(age) / 365) -> teeth_tp
teeth_tp %>%
group_by(kid) %>%
arrange(age) %>%
mutate(n_teeth = row_number()) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age2, y = n_teeth, colour = kid), width = 20) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(aes(shape = t_teeth)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1, seq(5, 20, 5))) +
theme_bw(14) +
labs(x = "age (years)",
y = "# teeth",
shape = "type")
teeth_tp %>%
group_by(kid) %>%
arrange(age) %>%
mutate(n_teeth = row_number()) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age2, y = n_teeth, colour = kid)) +
geom_line() +
# to try transition_reveal()
transition_reveal(kid, n_teeth) +
#ease_aes("linear") +
shadow_trail() +
geom_point(aes(shape = t_teeth), size = 5) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1, seq(5, 20, 5))) +
scale_color_manual(values = wesanderson::wes_palette("GrandBudapest1")[3:4]) +
theme_bw(14) +
labs(x = "age (years)",
y = "# teeth",
shape = "type") -> tp
animate(tp, nframes = 60)
anim_save("teething.gif", last_animation())