
Compare teething for two kids

Aurélien Ginolhac


July 31, 2016

Teething can be tough for kids, and so for the parents. For our first kid, it was actually pretty painful. Then, I wanted to see how synchronize the second kid would be with the first one.

Input data

This was an old input, now I would use the datapasta rstudio addin by Miles Mc Bain to get a tribble from any spreadsheet.

      ~kid,        ~date,                ~teeth,
   "Anouk", "2014-03-31", "incisive inf cent D",
   "Anouk", "2014-04-18", "incisive inf cent G",
   "Anouk", "2014-07-02", "incisive sup cent D",
   "Anouk", "2014-06-09", "incisive sup cent G",
   "Anouk", "2014-07-03",  "incisive sup lat G",
   "Anouk", "2014-07-26",  "incisive sup lat D",
   "Anouk", "2014-08-12",  "incisive inf lat D",
   "Anouk", "2014-10-12",  "incisive inf lat G",
   "Anouk", "2015-01-04",        "prem 1 sup G",
   "Anouk", "2015-01-11",        "prem 1 sup G",
   "Anouk", "2015-01-11",        "prem 1 inf D",
   "Anouk", "2015-02-01",        "prem 1 inf D",
   "Anouk", "2015-02-01",        "canine sup G",
   "Anouk", "2015-02-12",        "canine sup D",
   "Anouk", "2015-03-28",        "canine inf D",
   "Anouk", "2015-04-04",        "canine inf G", # imputed data
   "Anouk", "2015-10-15",        "prem 2 inf G",
   "Anouk", "2015-10-15",        "prem 2 inf D",
   "Anouk", "2015-12-21",        "prem 2 sup D",
   "Anouk", "2016-03-01",        "prem 2 sup G",
   "Irène", "2017-05-11", "incisive inf cent D",
   "Irène", "2017-05-18", "incisive inf cent G",
   "Irène", "2017-07-11", "incisive sup cent D",
   "Irène", "2017-07-25", "incisive sup cent G",
   "Irène", "2017-08-03", "incisive sup lat D",
   "Irène", "2017-08-04", "incisive inf lat D",
   "Irène", "2017-08-04", "incisive inf lat G",
   "Irène", "2017-08-23", "incisive sup lat G",
   "Irène", "2017-09-30",        "prem 1 inf D",
   "Irène", "2017-09-20",        "prem 1 inf G",
   "Irène", "2017-10-22",        "prem 1 sup D",
   "Irène", "2017-10-20",        "prem 1 sup G",
   "Irène", "2018-04-04",        "canine sup D",
   "Irène", "2018-04-28",        "canine inf D",
   "Irène", "2018-05-15",        "canine sup G",
   "Irène", "2018-05-25",        "prem 2 inf G",
   "Irène", "2018-06-01",        "canine inf G",
   "Irène", "2018-06-07",        "prem 2 inf D",
   "Irène", "2018-09-04",        "prem 2 sup D") -> teeth
count(teeth, kid)
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  kid       n
  <chr> <int>
1 Anouk    20
2 Irène    19


Primary Dentition
        upper right - 5             upper left - 6
             55 54 53 52 51 | 61 62 63 64 65 
          R --------------------------------- L
             85 84 83 82 81 | 71 72 73 74 75 
        lower right - 8             lower left - 7

 I - incisor
 C - canine
 P - premolar
 M - molar


teeth %>%
  mutate(date = parse_date(date),
         t_teeth = word(teeth, 1),
         age = case_when(kid == "Anouk" ~ date - ymd("20130828"),
                         kid == "Irène" ~ date - ymd("20160922")),
         age2 = as.numeric(age) / 365) -> teeth_tp
teeth_tp %>%
  group_by(kid) %>%
  arrange(age) %>%
  mutate(n_teeth = row_number()) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = age2, y = n_teeth, colour = kid), width = 20) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point(aes(shape = t_teeth)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1, seq(5, 20, 5))) +
  theme_bw(14) +
  labs(x = "age (years)",
       y = "# teeth",
       shape = "type")


teeth_tp %>%
   group_by(kid) %>%
   arrange(age) %>%
   mutate(n_teeth = row_number()) %>% 
   ggplot(aes(x = age2, y = n_teeth, colour = kid)) +
   geom_line() +
   # to try transition_reveal()
   transition_reveal(kid, n_teeth) +
   #ease_aes("linear") +
   shadow_trail() +
   geom_point(aes(shape = t_teeth), size = 5) +
   scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(1, seq(5, 20, 5))) +
   scale_color_manual(values = wesanderson::wes_palette("GrandBudapest1")[3:4]) + 
   theme_bw(14) +
   labs(x = "age (years)",
        y = "# teeth",
        shape = "type") -> tp
animate(tp, nframes = 60)
anim_save("teething.gif", last_animation())