Creating modules with Easybuild

Getting rid of conda/mamba/venv

Aurélien Ginolhac


March 25, 2024

Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash


Getting rid of this hell, nicely summarized by xkcd:

And this is not complete, because it misses mamba. And since it is not enough, the same team released micromamba. I attended a Python class in December 2023 where the instructor recommended micromamba even on HPC clusters. I asked if any of conda, minicondamamba is deprecated, the answer was “no, since they all serve different purposes”.

To add one more to this madness, I recently learnt about pipx which again propose Python apps in isolated environments.

Now I understand why Python2 and 3 co-existed for so many years.


Easybuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.

I wanted to have SnakeMake running on HPC using this solution that already exists for more general software on our University HPC. Currently, I was doing:

module load tools/Singularity
conda activate snakemake

Which is mixing up things, I need module to get singularity1 but for snakemake I need some virtual envs. And in my home, some different Python modules, all enclosed, I was several times reaching the hard limit of 1M inodes quota.

Easybuild logo

Xavier explained me how to properly create my own module with Easybuild. Thanks a LOT!

Easybuild recipe

His first advice was to look into the available easyconfigs.

And indeed, SnakeMake was present, actually not the latest version but close to. I went into the PyPi homepage and checked the sha256sum and updated to the version 8.9.0 along with the dependencies that were updated.

The resulting easyconfig is:

file: snakemake-8.9.0-foss-2023a.eb
easyblock = 'PythonBundle'

name = 'snakemake'
version = '8.9.0'

homepage = ''
description = "The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses."

toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2023a'}

builddependencies = [
    ('poetry', '1.5.1'),
dependencies = [
    ('Python', '3.11.3'),
    ('Python-bundle-PyPI', '2023.06'),
    ('SciPy-bundle', '2023.07'),
    ('GitPython', '3.1.40'),
    ('IPython', '8.14.0'),
    ('PyYAML', '6.0'),
    ('wrapt', '1.15.0'),
    ('PuLP', '2.8.0'),

use_pip = True
sanity_pip_check = True

exts_list = [
    ('datrie', '0.8.2', {
        'checksums': ['525b08f638d5cf6115df6ccd818e5a01298cd230b2dac91c8ff2e6499d18765d'],
    ('plac', '1.4.2', {
        'checksums': ['b0d04d9bc4875625df45982bc900e9d9826861c221850dbfda096eab82fe3330'],
    ('dpath', '2.1.6', {
        'checksums': ['f1e07c72e8605c6a9e80b64bc8f42714de08a789c7de417e49c3f87a19692e47'],
    ('yte', '1.5.4', {
        'checksums': ['d2d77e53eafca74f58234fcd3fea28cc0a719e4f3784911511e35e86594bc880'],
    ('toposort', '1.10', {
        'checksums': ['bfbb479c53d0a696ea7402601f4e693c97b0367837c8898bc6471adfca37a6bd'],
    ('throttler', '1.2.2', {
        'checksums': ['d54db406d98e1b54d18a9ba2b31ab9f093ac64a0a59d730c1cf7bb1cdfc94a58'],
    ('stopit', '1.1.2', {
        'checksums': ['f7f39c583fd92027bd9d06127b259aee7a5b7945c1f1fa56263811e1e766996d'],
    ('ConfigArgParse', '1.7', {
        'checksums': ['e7067471884de5478c58a511e529f0f9bd1c66bfef1dea90935438d6c23306d1'],
    ('argparse-dataclass', '2.0.0', {
        'modulename': 'argparse_dataclass',
        'source_tmpl': 'argparse_dataclass-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['09ab641c914a2f12882337b9c3e5086196dbf2ee6bf0ef67895c74002cc9297f'],
    ('snakemake-interface-common', '1.17.1', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_interface_common',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_interface_common-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['555c8218d9b68ddc1046f94a517e7d0f22e15bdc839d6ce149608d8ec137b9ae'],
    ('reretry', '0.11.8', {
        'checksums': ['f2791fcebe512ea2f1d153a2874778523a8064860b591cd90afc21a8bed432e3'],
    ('snakemake-interface-storage-plugins', '3.1.1', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_interface_storage_plugins',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_interface_storage_plugins-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['d4d2b72ac964f12c5ba343639499c797316d6368dda471fba63610aec8e77cbb'],
    ('snakemake-interface-executor-plugins', '9.0.0', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_interface_executor_plugins',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_interface_executor_plugins-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['22b7337d9ea4f9e32679b96fa873337608d73f2d41443cc6bde18de4549acdb7'],
    ('smart-open', '6.4.0', {
        'sources': ['smart_open-%(version)s.tar.gz'],
        'checksums': ['be3c92c246fbe80ebce8fbacb180494a481a77fcdcb7c1aadb2ea5b9c2bee8b9'],

    ('jupyter-core', '5.7.1', {
        'modulename': 'jupyter_core',
        'source_tmpl': 'jupyter_core-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['de61a9d7fc71240f688b2fb5ab659fbb56979458dc66a71decd098e03c79e218'],
    ('fastjsonschema', '2.19.1', {
        'checksums': ['e3126a94bdc4623d3de4485f8d468a12f02a67921315ddc87836d6e456dc789d'],
    ('nbformat', '5.9.2', {
        'source_tmpl': '%(name)s-%(version)s-py3-none-any.whl',
        'checksums': ['1c5172d786a41b82bcfd0c23f9e6b6f072e8fb49c39250219e4acfff1efe89e9'],
    ('immutables', '0.20', {
        'checksums': ['1d2f83e6a6a8455466cd97b9a90e2b4f7864648616dfa6b19d18f49badac3876'],
    ('humanfriendly', '10.0', {
        'checksums': ['6b0b831ce8f15f7300721aa49829fc4e83921a9a301cc7f606be6686a2288ddc'],
    ('connection-pool', '0.0.3', {
        'sources': ['connection_pool-%(version)s.tar.gz'],
        'checksums': ['bf429e7aef65921c69b4ed48f3d48d3eac1383b05d2df91884705842d974d0dc'],
    ('conda-inject', '1.3.1', {
        'sources': ['conda_inject-%(version)s.tar.gz'],
        'checksums': ['9e8d902230261beba74083aae12c2c5a395e29b408469fefadc8aaf51ee441e5'],
    (name, version, {
        'checksums': ['1c36d231da92a1e37ab9f96d35346f5268949fbd1cebf4c9d429816a05538066'],
    # Also install some of the snakemake executors
    ('snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm-jobstep', '0.1.11', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_slurm_jobstep',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_slurm_jobstep-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['cafdac937796ab0dfc0354c42380167a44a1db00c4edc98ab736a6ace2201a94'],
    ('snakemake-executor-plugin-flux', '0.1.1', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_flux',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_flux-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['26655bd1cf5d7db5dfcfdfbd006c1db35968c0ad1772e0b010e64e6f71b00163'],
    ('snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm', '0.4.2', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_slurm',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_slurm-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['265ffff24cdaa7929769bdbe822c39d8ac059b0642e92fc6fa9e55c9cdc7d018'],
    ('snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-sync', '0.1.4', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_cluster_sync',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_cluster_sync-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['6a6dcb2110d4c2ee74f9a48ea68e0fd7ddd2800672ebef00a01faa4affa835ad'],
    ('snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic', '1.0.9', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_cluster_generic',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_executor_plugin_cluster_generic-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['ad0dc2d8bde7d4f336364bebe11a3b2209653c481ce8fbb0ae8bec81016a9a14'],
    ('snakemake-interface-report-plugins', '1.0.0', {
        'modulename': 'snakemake_interface_report_plugins',
        'source_tmpl': 'snakemake_interface_report_plugins-%(version)s.tar.gz',
        'checksums': ['02311cdc4bebab2a1c28469b5e6d5c6ac6e9c66998ad4e4b3229f1472127490f'],

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/snakemake'],
    'dirs': ['lib/python%(pyshortver)s/site-packages/snakemake'],

sanity_check_commands = ['snakemake --help']

moduleclass = 'tools'

Now we need to build it with actually all the FOSS 2023a toolchain.

slurm launcher

Xavier also advice to install the modules inside a project folder to ease collaboration and sharing.

It takes ~ 6 hours, so the passive launcher was:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J eb-snakemake
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH -c 2
#SBATCH --mem=30GB
#SBATCH --time=0-07:00:00
#SBATCH -p batch

set -euo pipefail


# Install SnakeMake 8.9.0 with toolchain foss/2023a
# Author: Xavier Besseron / A. Ginolhac
# Date: 2024-03-20

module use "$HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all"
module load tools/EasyBuild/4.9.0

# Installation path,
# if you want something different than ~/.local/easybuild
# for example to share with other users
mkdir -p /work/projects/xxx/easybuild/
export EASYBUILD_PREFIX=/work/projects/xxx/easybuild/

# Build directory, to setup build and avoid quota issues in home directory                                                                    
export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH="/dev/shm"

# Build and install SnakeMake and all the required dependencies
# This can take quite some time to compile and install everything.
# GCCcore took 1h20min, Rust 1h10min. Total 5h40

# /!\ If you install in a project directory, you should this to avoid quota issues                                                            
sg xxx -c 'eb snakemake-8.9.0-foss-2023a.eb -r .'

# Use the path given in EASYBUILD_INSTALL suffixed by 'modules/all/'
# (This can be put in your ~/.bashrc if you like)
module use /work/projects/xxx/easybuild/modules/all/

# Load the SnakeMake module
module load tools/snakemake/8.9.0-foss-2023a

# Check the SnakeMake version
snakemake --version

See the specific recommendations as comments.


Now that the modules are installed, we need to tell Easybuild where to find them. One can use the module use ... command for a one-time session, or use this for more persistent usage.

command -v module >/dev/null 2>&1 && module use /work/projects/xxx/easybuild/modules/all

The command -v ... is to avoid running it on the access node but only computing nodes.


$ module spider snakemake

      The Snakemake workflow management system is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses.


  For detailed information about a specific "tools/snakemake" package (including how to load the modules) use the module's full name.
  Note that names that have a trailing (E) are extensions provided by other modules.
  For example:

     $ module spider tools/snakemake/8.9.0-foss-2023a
module load tools/snakemake
snakemake --version


  1. Now apptainer↩︎